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I think you need 2 launch files to have this behaviour:

First launch:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
        <arg name="origin"          default="-1 2 0"/>
        <arg name="orientation"     default="0 0 0 1"/>

        <!-- do whatever has to be done here -->

Second launch file:


        <arg name="load_saved"      default="True"/>

        <group if="$(arg load_saved)">
            <!--include file="$(arg save_path)/table_link/origin.xml"/-->
            <include file="$(find your_package)/launch/first_file.launch">
                   <arg name="origin" value="0 0 0"/>   <!-- set other arg value -->

        <!-- include your first launch if not arg load_saved -->
        <include unless="$(arg load_saved)" file="$(find your_package)/launch/first_file.launch" />