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The problem seems to be that the package ros-indigo-simulators collides with something that is already installed in your system and you end up with broken packages.

Try the following command:

sudo apt-get -f install

(The -f stands for "fix broken) and try again.

If it keeps happening, then you should uninstall whatever is colliding with *ros-indigo-simulators (probably the previous installation of Gazebo that you mention in the comments of your question).

I hope it helps

The problem seems to be that the package ros-indigo-simulators collides with something that is already installed in your system and you end up with broken packages.

Try the following command:

sudo apt-get -f install

(The -f stands for "fix broken) and try again.

If it keeps happening, then you should uninstall whatever is colliding with *ros-indigo-simulators ros-indigo-simulators (probably the previous installation of Gazebo that you mention in the comments of your question).

I hope it helps