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well, I think I find the answer, accidently

I'm using zsh instead of bash, I tried once using format

rosservice call /waypoint [15,22,0,40,0,30,3,0,0,1]

but the return is

zsh: no matches found: [15,22,0,40,0,30,3,0,0,1]

I changed into bash just know and tried the same command, but there is no error:

>rosservice call /waypoint [15,22,0,40,0,30,3,0,0,1]
result: False

then I think that is the correct form and there is sth wrong with my zsh,

after google I add an alias in my .zshrc alias rosservice='noglob rosservice' and then I got the same result in zsh return false

so the format problem is solved out, but now I need to find out why it return false....

well, I think I find the answer, accidently

I'm using zsh instead of bash, I tried once using format

rosservice call /waypoint [15,22,0,40,0,30,3,0,0,1]

but the return is

zsh: no matches found: [15,22,0,40,0,30,3,0,0,1]

I changed into bash just know and tried the same command, but there is no error:

>rosservice call /waypoint [15,22,0,40,0,30,3,0,0,1]
result: False

then I think that is the correct form and there is sth wrong with my zsh,

after google I add an alias in my .zshrc alias rosservice='noglob rosservice' and then I got the same result in zsh return false

so the format problem is solved out, but now I need to find out why it return false....

but I'm still wondering is there exist a more readable format like what I use in the question?

Because I think putting every argument inside [] without telling which is which is not quite user-friendly