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Alright, I figured out how to manually get the rfcomm0 by doing the following:

cd /dev

sudo mknod --mode 600 /dev/rfcomm0 c 216 0

Then I uncommented the following lines in my /etc/bluetooth/rfcomm.conf file:

rfcomm0 {

      bind yes; #set no to yes if it is not already set

      device <bdaddr>; #where bdaddr is the address of the bluetooth with which you are trying to bind

      channel 1; #I think any channel will do

      comment "Add whatever you want here";


I'm not sure as to whether or not I needed to do the first portion once I uncommented the rfcomm0 stuff, but it worked nonetheless. Once I had that bit working, I tried your command Bemfica along with a sudo rfcomm -a to check the connection. Finally, I transferred a file by typing: bluetooth-sendto <filename>. So, it looks like I'm at least moving in the right direction. I'll be back with more questions/answers.