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The snippet you provided doesn't show the error, all of the interesting stuff would have happened above the -- Configuring incomplete, errors occurred! line. Everything that follows is just letting you know that the build failed and how you can reproduce it manually if you so desired.

However, regardless of that error, the other snippet you posted probably indicates the issue with the CMake error. If you got Error: the following rosdeps failed to install: pip: command [sudo pip install -U PIL] failed then that means that not only was PIL not installed, but rosdep also didn't install any of the dependencies which followed. You can see what rosdep still needs to install (without actually installing anything) by running this command:

$ rosdep install --from-paths src --ignore-src --rosdistro hydro -y --simulate

Unless you get #All required rosdeps installed successfully, or nothing, back from rosdep, then you have unmet system dependencies still. I would imagine you have several, but at least PILshould be there.

You have one of two options, first you can figure out why PIL is not installing and install it manually, or you can tell rosdep to skip that dependency by adding --skip-keys=python-imaging (python-imaging is the rosdep key which resolves to PIL on pip).

I believe your PIL install error, gives you the solution:

Some externally hosted files were ignored (use --allow-external PIL to allow).

So if you run this, it should probably install:

$ sudo pip install --allow-external -U PIL

Then you should be able to run rosdep again and get the rest of the dependencies. Once you have gotten all of your dependencies installed, you will probably be able to run catkin_make_isolated.