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Some debugging steps which might be helpful to pinpoint where the system breaks:

  1. Verify your laser data: Start rviz, add a LaserScan display type, and set the "fixed frame" to base_laser (or whatever the frame of your laser is). Are you seeing data?
  2. Verify your odometry: Set the "fixed frame" in rviz to odom, and add a "tf" display type. Is the base_link frame moving as you would expect, reported by your odometry?
  3. Debug your tf tree. You can do that by running

    rosrun tf tf_monitor

Or even better, start rviz, and add a "tf" display type.

This is what your tree should look like:

  • map->odom (published by amcl or gmapping)
  • odom->base_link (published by robot_pose_ekf)
  • base_link->base_laser (static, published by static tf published in one of your launch files)

If any of these are missing, you need to address that specific node.