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Thank you Felix.

I could get a this bandwith by merging openni_nodelet.cpp given 320x240 configuration.

The code is about changing from PointXYZRGB to PointXYZ.

It looks simple but cut down half size of pcl.

rostopic bw /camera/rgb/points
subscribed to [/camera/rgb/points]
average: 35.81MB/s
    mean: 1.23MB min: 1.23MB max: 1.23MB window: 21
average: 29.98MB/s
    mean: 1.23MB min: 1.23MB max: 1.23MB window: 42

Thank you Felix.

I could get a this bandwith bandwidth by merging openni_nodelet.cpp given 320x240 configuration.

The code is about changing from PointXYZRGB to PointXYZ.

It looks simple but cut down half size of pcl.

rostopic bw /camera/rgb/points
subscribed to [/camera/rgb/points]
average: 35.81MB/s
    mean: 1.23MB min: 1.23MB max: 1.23MB window: 21
average: 29.98MB/s
    mean: 1.23MB min: 1.23MB max: 1.23MB window: 42

Thank you Felix.

I could get a this bandwidth by merging openni_nodelet.cpp given 320x240 configuration.

The code is about changing from PointXYZRGB to PointXYZ.

It looks simple but cut down half size of pcl.

rostopic bw /camera/rgb/points
subscribed to [/camera/rgb/points]
average: 35.81MB/s
    mean: 1.23MB min: 1.23MB max: 1.23MB window: 21
average: 29.98MB/s
    mean: 1.23MB min: 1.23MB max: 1.23MB window: 42

I would like to ask one more question.

Why the size of PointXYZ is not 3float(x,y,z, 12bytes) but 4float(16bytes)?

Is this because of 16bytes alignment?


Thank you Felix.

I could get a this bandwidth by merging openni_nodelet.cpp given 320x240 configuration.

The code is about changing from PointXYZRGB to PointXYZ.PointXYZ and some modification of it.

rgbd code that you sent me has compile error on node.cpp

/opt/ros/freiburg_tools/rgbdslam/src/node.cpp:820: error: ‘class ParameterServer’ has no member named ‘getMinMatches’

It looks simple but cut down half size of pcl.

rostopic bw /camera/rgb/points
subscribed to [/camera/rgb/points]
average: 35.81MB/s
    mean: 1.23MB min: 1.23MB max: 1.23MB window: 21
average: 29.98MB/s
    mean: 1.23MB min: 1.23MB max: 1.23MB window: 42

I would like to ask one more question.

Why the size of PointXYZ is not 3float(x,y,z, 12bytes) but 4float(16bytes)?

Is this because of 16bytes alignment?

Thank you again.
