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perhaps, but yesterday, by experiment, I found that the following entry is possible:

fhduser@fhduser:~/catkin_ws/src/sekuria$ rostopic pub -1 asdf std_msgs/Char '123'

the echo shows:

data: 123

but when y try [...]Char '1a2' i also get

[WARN] [WallTime: 1391676362.069089] Inbound TCP/IP connection failed: global name '_x' is not defined

perhaps, but yesterday, by experiment, I found that the following entry is possible:

fhduser@fhduser:~/catkin_ws/src/sekuria$ rostopic pub -1 asdf std_msgs/Char '123'

the echo shows:

data: 123

but when y try [...]Char '1a2' i also get

[WARN] [WallTime: 1391676362.069089] Inbound TCP/IP connection failed: global name '_x' is not defined

it also makes an error for everything over 255. could it be ascii?