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First of all, you need to make sure you are using a supported operating system. Typically if you're using Ubuntu you'll be fine. The other systems are experimental and I cannot speak to how well they work (someone else want to chip in about that?)

You then have to install a version of ROS. My suggestion would be Hydro (newest) or Groovy(second newest).

I would read the first two things listed in the tutorials here: They should give you a little more background.

Once you're comfortable, then you can start looking into getting the Nao packages. One thing you'll learn about here is that no one will bother to teach you about something that you can easily find on the help pages. I would ask more specific questions about specific roadblocks you encounter once you're more familiar with ROS.

Best of luck!

First of all, you need to make sure you are using a supported operating system. Typically if you're using Ubuntu you'll be fine. The other systems are experimental and I cannot speak to how well they work (someone else want to chip in about that?)

You then have to install a version of ROS. My suggestion would be Hydro (newest) or Groovy(second newest).

I would read the first two things listed in the tutorials here: They should give you a little more background.

Edit: I forgot to add in this! I found reading the Start Guide immensely helpful because you really get a better understanding for how the structure behind this all works.

Once you're comfortable, then you can start looking into getting the Nao packages. One thing you'll learn about here is that no one will bother to teach you about something that you can easily find on the help pages. I would ask more specific questions about specific roadblocks you encounter once you're more familiar with ROS.

Best of luck!

First of all, you need to make sure you are using a supported operating system. Typically if you're using Ubuntu you'll be fine. The other systems are experimental and I cannot speak to how well they work (someone else want to chip in about that?)

You then have to install a version of ROS. My suggestion would be Hydro (newest) or Groovy(second newest).

I would read the first two things listed in the tutorials here: They should give you a little more background.

Edit: I forgot to add in this! I found reading the Start Guide immensely helpful because you really get a better understanding for how the structure behind this all works.

Once you're comfortable, then you can start looking into getting the Nao packages.


One thing you'll learn about here is that no one will bother to teach you about something that you can easily find on the help pages. I would ask more specific questions about specific roadblocks you encounter once you're more familiar with ROS.

Best of luck!