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rosserial fails when using sensor_msgs::Imu

asked 2013-10-15 13:57:28 -0500

Dereck gravatar image

updated 2013-11-18 19:21:08 -0500

tfoote gravatar image

I am attempting to send IMU messages to ROS from an Arduino and was making good progress until last night... I can send all sorts of primitive messages, and messages which contain other primitives, but for some reason the IMU message doesn't make it to rostopic echo /imu. Code attached, please advise:

$ rosrun rosserial_python _port:=/dev/ttyACM0
[INFO] [WallTime: 1381881252.718444] ROS Serial Python Node
[INFO] [WallTime: 1381881252.726693] Connecting to /dev/ttyACM0 at 57600 baud
[INFO] [WallTime: 1381881255.329399] Note: publish buffer size is 512 bytes
[INFO] [WallTime: 1381881255.329896] Setup publisher on imu [sensor_msgs/Imu]
[ERROR] [WallTime: 1381881272.931531] Mismatched protocol version in packet: lost sync or rosserial_python is from different ros release than the rosserial client
[INFO] [WallTime: 1381881272.931971] Protocol version of client is Rev 0 (rosserial 0.4 and earlier), expected Rev 1 (rosserial 0.5+)


genpy.message.DeserializationError: unpack requires a string argument of length 32

Which is thrown from this line of

(_x.orientation.x, _x.orientation.y, _x.orientation.z, _x.orientation.w,) = _struct_4d.unpack(str[start:end])

Here's my sketch code:

#include <ros.h>
#include <sensor_msgs/Imu.h>

ros::NodeHandle  nh;
sensor_msgs::Imu imu_msg;
ros::Publisher pub("imu", &imu_msg);
char frame_id[] = "imu";

void setup(){  

  imu_msg.header.seq = 0;
  imu_msg.header.stamp =;
  imu_msg.header.frame_id = frame_id;

  imu_msg.orientation.x = 0;
  imu_msg.orientation.y = 0;
  imu_msg.orientation.z = 0;
  imu_msg.orientation.w = 0;

  imu_msg.orientation_covariance[0] = 0;
  imu_msg.orientation_covariance[1] = 0;
  imu_msg.orientation_covariance[2] = 0;

  imu_msg.orientation_covariance[3] = 0;
  imu_msg.orientation_covariance[4] = 0;
  imu_msg.orientation_covariance[5] = 0;

  imu_msg.orientation_covariance[6] = 0;
  imu_msg.orientation_covariance[7] = 0;
  imu_msg.orientation_covariance[8] = 0;

  imu_msg.angular_velocity.x = 0;
  imu_msg.angular_velocity.y = 0;
  imu_msg.angular_velocity.z = 0;

  imu_msg.angular_velocity_covariance[0] = 0;
  imu_msg.angular_velocity_covariance[1] = 0;
  imu_msg.angular_velocity_covariance[2] = 0;

  imu_msg.angular_velocity_covariance[3] = 0;
  imu_msg.angular_velocity_covariance[4] = 0;
  imu_msg.angular_velocity_covariance[5] = 0;

  imu_msg.angular_velocity_covariance[6] = 0;
  imu_msg.angular_velocity_covariance[7] = 0;
  imu_msg.angular_velocity_covariance[8] = 0;

  imu_msg.linear_acceleration.x = 0;
  imu_msg.linear_acceleration.y = 0;
  imu_msg.linear_acceleration.z = 0;

  imu_msg.linear_acceleration_covariance[0] = 0;
  imu_msg.linear_acceleration_covariance[1] = 0;
  imu_msg.linear_acceleration_covariance[2] = 0;

  imu_msg.linear_acceleration_covariance[3] = 0;
  imu_msg.linear_acceleration_covariance[4] = 0;
  imu_msg.linear_acceleration_covariance[5] = 0;

  imu_msg.linear_acceleration_covariance[6] = 0;
  imu_msg.linear_acceleration_covariance[7] = 0;
  imu_msg.linear_acceleration_covariance[8] = 0;

void loop(){

  imu_msg.header.stamp =;

  // Doesn't work:

  // These work:
  // pub.publish(&imu_msg.header);
  // pub.publish(&imu_msg.orientation);
  // pub.publish(&imu_msg.angular_velocity);

  // This doesn't
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thanks for sharing your sketch code, it helped me a lot. But why is it working with setting every value to zero? Because of that the imu_message is literally empty.

colidar gravatar image colidar  ( 2019-07-23 08:27:08 -0500 )edit

1 Answer

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answered 2013-10-24 14:15:52 -0500

Dereck gravatar image

The IMU message is too large for the Arduino serial port buffer:

The solution is to send a float array via serial and then convert that to an IMU message in another node.

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got the same error while trying to receive from arduino

marwa eldiwiny gravatar image marwa eldiwiny  ( 2016-11-13 00:04:26 -0500 )edit

Depending on your board (UNO/M0/...) you can search for the define #define SERIAL_BUFFER_SIZE 64" in the arduino framework and increase it :-) Look for a file named RingBuffer.h

Markus Bader gravatar image Markus Bader  ( 2016-11-13 03:31:29 -0500 )edit

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Asked: 2013-10-15 13:57:28 -0500

Seen: 2,474 times

Last updated: Nov 13 '16