Problem with leg_detector and people_tracking_filter
Hi ROS users !
I'd like to simulate a human wandering around with MORSE simulator and see the robot detecting it in rviz. I managed to install people stack from David Lu but got a couple of problems when I run it.
First I run filter.launch in people_tracking_filter package. Although I don't have any odom_combined frame as fixed frame, I replaced it with odom instead. /people_tracker_filter_visualization seems to be updated 10 times/s but is empty as shown with rostopic :
seq: 375
secs: 0
nsecs: 0
frame_id: odom
points: []
name: rgb
values: []
So I run leg_detector.launch is the corresponding package but I get the following error :
[ERROR] [1378816996.919008120]: Client [/people_tracker] wants topic /people_tracker_measurements to have datatype/md5sum [people_msgs/PositionMeasurement/54fa938b4ec28728e01575b79eb0ec7c], but our version has [people_msgs/PositionMeasurementArray/59c860d40aa739ec920eb3ad24ae019e]. Dropping connection.
[ WARN] [1378817011.705600206]: MessageFilter [target=/odom_combined ]: Dropped 100.00% of messages so far. Please turn the [ros.leg_detector.message_notifier] rosconsole logger to DEBUG for more information.
So second thing : the launch file refers to base_scan topic but mine is empty, every data is contained in my scan topic. However replacing base_scan by scan doesn't change anything. And also there is still some things related to odom_combined ...
Any guess ?
Thank you very much for your time.
I'm running groovy on ubuntu 12.04, MORSE 1.1 simulator with a differential robot and a 2D LIDAR.