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String parameter is ignored if numeric, why?

asked 2013-09-09 04:16:45 -0500

timm gravatar image

updated 2013-09-09 04:18:08 -0500

I am requesting a string parameter from the parameter server in ROS Groovy like this:

ros::NodeHandle node_ns("~");
std::string rotations;
node_ns.param<std::string>("rotations", rotations, std::string("0"));

When I run my ROS node with the following command line, everything works fine:

./bin/testnode _rotations:='90 -90 0'

i.e. if I check the value of the string "rotations", it is "90 -90 0". However, if I only input a single numeric value as the string's value,

./bin/testnode _rotations:='270'

the supplied value is ignored and "rotations" has its default value of "0". I think this occurs because the single value is treated as an integer instead of a string. Is this a bug? This can have pretty nasty consequences! I was debugging my code for over an hour trying to figure out why my supplied parameter value was being ignored although it had worked perfectly in other cases...

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2 Answers

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answered 2013-10-10 07:33:28 -0500

timm gravatar image

I have not yet had the chance to try this out, but using !!str on the command line should enforce the argument to be treated as a string, as described here:

YAML uses "tags" to override types, where the YAML syntax may be ambiguous. Common tags are: !!str, !!int, !!float, !!seq and !!map. Most likely you will just need to know about !!str. YAML tags are difficult because ! has its own meaning in Bash, so you have to use single-quotes.


./bin/testnode _rotations:='!!str 270'
./bin/testnode _rotations:='!!str 90 -90 0'
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answered 2013-09-09 09:37:43 -0500

kalectro gravatar image

I would guess that '270' is interpreted as a character. Try running

 ./bin/testnode _rotations:="270"

to tell your command line to interpret it as a string

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Asked: 2013-09-09 04:16:45 -0500

Seen: 315 times

Last updated: Oct 10 '13