Eclipse and catkin problems (symbol could not be resolved)
Hi all,
unfortunately i ran into some problems when trying to debug my rospackage in Eclipse (Kepler).
I followed these instructions in terminal:
- catkin_make --force-cmake -G"Eclipse CDT4 - Unix Makefiles" (in my catkin workspace)
- source ~/catkin_ws/devel/setup.bash
- eclipse
Then importing the project to eclipse works also fine.
But editing one file in the [Source directory]/myPackage/src/talker.cpp result in these errors, for example for this line of code:
ros::Publisher chatter_pub = n.advertise<std_msgs::String>("chatter", 1000);
i recieve these errors:
-symbol advertised could not be resolved
-Invalid arguments ' Candidates are: ros::Publisher advertise(const ? &, unsigned int, bool) ros::Publisher advertise(ros::AdvertiseOptions &) ros::Publisher advertise(const ? &, unsigned int, const boost::function<void (const ros::SingleSubscriberPublisher &)> &, const boost::function<void (const ros::SingleSubscriberPublisher &)> &, const boost::shared_ptr<const void> &, bool) ' talker.cpp /Project-Debug@build/[Source directory]/rosgui/src line 83 Semantic Error
also eclipse can't find: #include <sstream>
this is what i tried so far:
- running
cmake ./src -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug
(in my catkin_workspace) - rebuilding the indexer in eclipse
- tried it with eclipse Indigo
here the include paths in eclipse properties:
Thank your very much for any advice!!
Same problem: