catkin / installation into devel space not working
Hey all,
I can't figure out how to correctly package a Python module so it shows up in my devel space after "catkin_make". I've tried every combination of and CMakeLists.txt that I can think of.
Let's say I have a ROS package called "my_package", and I'd like to have a Python module defined by "" containing a function called "def myfunc()", so that from a different package, I could do "import my_package; my_package.myfunc()". After catkin_make, I expect things to be installed like this: devel/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/ How do I write a CMakeLists.txt and for this package?
If this configuration is impossible, how do you recommend I structure a simple ROS package providing Python modules?
Thanks for your help!
Edit: I'm using Groovy.