unable to get point cloud from /camera/depth/points in rviz
I did :
rostopic echo /camera/depth/points
it seems topic is publishing messages. However, when i launch rviz- setting fixed frame to /camera_link or /camera_depth_frame or /camera_depth_optical_frame ( tried all seprately)
i get the following error when i subscribe to /camera/depth/points:
Transform= For frame [/openni_rgb_optical_frame]: Frame [/openni_rgb_optical_frame] does not exist
Any ideas on what am i doing wrong here ?
Also, point cloud data from /camera/depth_registered/points is currently displayed.
Could you include the roslaunch command you are using to start up the driver?
roslaunch openni_camera openni_node.launch
@Boris - i ran the echo frame_id command and got back /openni_rgb_optical_frame . I manually entered it in the Fixed frame under Global Options but it gives me frame does not exist error.