differential drive robot exhibits a spinning motion as it tries to make use of the Navigation stack

asked 2023-07-01 07:00:41 -0500

Morad gravatar image

I am working on a 2 wheeled differential drive robot that can navigate indoors using (Nav_Stack) with ROS-noetic. I've used the following :

  • For the sensor_msgs/LaserScan, i am using RplidarA1 with (rplidar_ros) and (hector_slam) package.

  • For the nav_msgs/Odometry, i am using ekf_filter with (brushless encoders) and (adafruit BNO055 imu)

Everything seems to be working correctly, such as controlling the robot using cmd_vel, mapping, and common_costmap. However, every time I tried to send a (2d_nav_goal) using Rviz, the robot keeps spinning around itself.

please check the link below: https://mega.nz/folder/h6xAFRCC#QWubl...

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