Depth camera object detection

asked 2023-06-30 04:04:42 -0500

bafhcs gravatar image

Hi there,

I'm currently working on an autonomous robot with ROS2. The robot is equipped with an depth camera to detect a pile of gravel. After the pile is detected, the robot has to drive to the pile by itself. Unfortunately I don't find any packages on github... Does anyone have an idea how to implement that in ROS2 humble?

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Hi, i don’t know which camera you are using but I can recommend the zed cameras by steeled and their zed-ros2-wrapper repo as well as zed sdk.

Icon45 gravatar image Icon45  ( 2023-06-30 08:17:43 -0500 )edit

Thank you very much! I‘m using the sick visionary t mini time of flight camera. Unfortunately there is only a ROS1 package available, so I have to use the ROS2/ROS1 bridge to be able to subscribe to the pointcloud topic. But i can’t find any working packages for ROS2 humble, to be able to filter the pointcloud and to use the information of the pointcloud to control the robot…

bafhcs gravatar image bafhcs  ( 2023-06-30 17:05:10 -0500 )edit