ros2_controller hardware plugin for manipulator arm (open_manipulator)

asked 2023-06-22 07:44:59 -0500

Aki gravatar image

Hi all,

I am working on ROS2 Humble. I have open manipulator hardware and I want to control it with Rviz. There is one GitHub package open_manipulator. Using this I can control the hardware by teleop package (also included in the package) but not with Rviz.

If I am not wrong, if I want to control it through rviz, I think I need one hardware plugin that I have to include in ros2_controller.xacro file.

If anyone have worked on this and created that plugin or any similar plugin for any manipulator arm, can you please guide me how I can create this plugin?

Or if I don't need this plugin, is there any other way I can control the arm with rviz without this plugin?

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