Gazebo camera topic name not changing

asked 2023-06-18 06:37:33 -0500

tibi gravatar image


I'm trying to set up a gazebo simulation for my ROS package where I have a robot that is supposed to have a stereo camera and then do VSLAM with it.

The issue I have right now however is that I cannot change the name of the topics the gazebo cameras are publishing on. Here is my urdf:

    <gazebo reference="left_camera_link">

        <sensor name="left_camera" type="camera">
            <pose>0 0 0 0 0 0 </pose>
            <plugin name="left_camera_controller" filename="">

    <gazebo reference="right_camera_link">

        <sensor name="right_camera" type="camera">
            <pose>0 0 0 0 0 0 </pose>
            <plugin name="right_camera_controller" filename="">

Here I set the left camera to publish it's images on stereo_camera/right/image and the left one on stereo_camera/left/image. The syntax for settings this up I took from the Gazebo Plugins Page:

However when I run the simulation, these are topics I'm gettings:


(other irrelevant topics removed for visiblity)

Basically each camera is publishing on [sensor_name]/[default_topic], which is not what I want.

I am using ROS2 Humble with Gazebo 11.10.2. Did I write anything wrong? Is that gazebo plugins page deprecated and should I be looking at a newer one?

I also tried using snake_case like image_topic_name (instead of the camelcase imageTopicName) as i've seen some internet examples using that but still nothing worked.

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