gazebo plugin for differential drive is not working /odom topic not showing in the topic list

asked 2023-06-14 06:37:10 -0500

nilesh gravatar image

<gazebo> <plugin name="differential_drive_controller" filename=""> <updaterate>10</updaterate> <leftjoint>Baselink_Wheelleft</leftjoint> <rightjoint>Baselink_Wheelright</rightjoint> <wheelseparation>0.6</wheelseparation> <wheeldiameter>0.2410</wheeldiameter> <wheelacceleration>1.0</wheelacceleration> <wheeltorque>20</wheeltorque> <rosdebuglevel>na</rosdebuglevel> <publishodomtf>true</publishodomtf> <odometrysource>world</odometrysource> <commandtopic>cmd_vel</commandtopic> <odometrytopic>odom</odometrytopic> <odometryframe>odom</odometryframe> <robotbaseframe>base_link</robotbaseframe> <odometrysource>1</odometrysource> <publishwheeltf>true</publishwheeltf> <publishodom>true</publishodom> <publishwheeljointstate>true</publishwheeljointstate> <legacymode>false</legacymode> </plugin> </gazebo>

i am unable to use this gazebo plugin for differential drive it doesn't publish on the /odom topic and it doesn't subscribe to the /cmd_vel topic when i do rostopic list It must show /odom and /cmd_vel in the list but its not showing it have added this plugin in robot.urdf other plugins like imu,lidar are working i can see scan and imu in topic list but not this what could be the mistake ?

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