HC-SR04 ROS2 Humble on Odroid C4

asked 2023-04-25 11:06:40 -0500

EdoRada gravatar image

Hello, i am new to Ros. I successfully created a talker and a subscriber node, now i want to implement an Hc-Sr04 and publish the distance reading. I created a python package and inside it the ultrasonic driver script following the ROS1 guide: Drivers/Tutorials/WritingYourHC-SR04DriverPython - ROS Wiki Then i tried to implement the driver in the talker node following this tutorial: https://groups.google.com/g/hbrobotic...

The package build was successful but when i try to run the node i have the error:“noModulefound” referring to the driver script

i have 3 questions: 1 - How do i include the driver script into the talker node script? 2 - For GPIO controlling i used a wiringPi python wrapper given by odroid: odroid-c4:application_note:gpio:wiringpi [ODROID Wiki], do i need to include it in the package.xml file? 3 - When i try to include the rospy and rospy.node libraries vs code gives me a yellow error saying that the interpreter can’t resolve the name, how do i fix this?

thank you very much for your help!!

Unfortunately i can't upload the code files, i need 5 points.

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