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Is there a workaround for different MD5sum versions between nodes?

asked 2023-04-14 07:06:35 -0500

zenuri5482 gravatar image

Hello. I have done a school project modifying and applying rovio to run with our data a few years ago. Now I have left school and I am trying to reproduce the same experiment on my local machine.

However, when I play our rosbag, i got this error

Client [/rovio] wants topic /novatel/oem7/bestpos to have datatype/md5sum 
[novatel_oem7_msgs/BESTPOS/cbda32531630d034a4a2332c885a856e], but our version has 
[novatel_oem7_msgs/BESTPOS/6d32934a60a2791025b60e069cbfca8d]. Dropping connection.

I did some research on similar issues. Apparently the md5sum version of /novatel/oem7/bestpos in my rosbag (outdated version) does not match the version I compiled rovio with.

Is there a way to make the two versions match? I have left school so I don't have access to equipment to record a new rosbag to play with.

Setup: Ubuntu 20.04, ROS Noetic

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answered 2023-04-14 12:31:58 -0500

zenuri5482 gravatar image

I found out that older versions can be easily accessed through github commits. So I just simply installed an older version and solved the problem.

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Asked: 2023-04-14 07:06:35 -0500

Seen: 50 times

Last updated: Apr 14 '23