ros2 cross compilation error

asked 2023-04-04 01:23:14 -0500

deepakjoshi9806 gravatar image

hello, I’m trying to cross compile ros2 for my google coral Dev-board. my host machine runs on Ubuntu 20 and I’m following this doc.

However During the build stage when i run the command:

colcon build --merge-install –cmake-force-configure –cmake-args -DCMAKE_VERBOSE_MAKEFILE:BOOL=ON -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=“$(pwd)/src/ros2/cross_compile/cmake-toolchains/generic_linux.cmake” -DSECURITY=ON

I get an error. here’s the log.


varun@varun-HP-Pavilion-Laptop-15-cs1xxx:~/cc_ws$ sudo ln -s /home/varun/cc_ws/ros2_ws/build/tf2/ /usr/lib/$TARGET_TRIPLE/

varun@varun-HP-Pavilion-Laptop-15-cs1xxx:~/cc_ws$ cd ros2_ws/

varun@varun-HP-Pavilion-Laptop-15-cs1xxx:~/cc_ws/ros2_ws$ colcon build --merge-install \
     --cmake-force-configure \
     --cmake-args \
        -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE="$(pwd)/src/ros2/cross_compile/cmake-toolchains/generic_linux.cmake" \
Starting >>> ament_package
Starting >>> ament_flake8
Starting >>> fastcdr
Starting >>> poco_vendor
Starting >>> ament_cppcheck                                                         
Starting >>> gtest_vendor
Starting >>> osrf_pycommon
Starting >>> console_bridge
[2.651s] 'ament_package' doesn't explicitly install a marker in the package index (colcon-ros currently does it implicitly but that fallback will be removed in the future)
[2.652s] 'ament_package' doesn't explicitly install the 'package.xml' file (colcon-ros currently does it implicitly but that fallback will be removed in the future)
[2.879s] 'ament_flake8' doesn't explicitly install a marker in the package index (colcon-ros currently does it implicitly but that fallback will be removed in the future)
[2.880s] 'ament_flake8' doesn't explicitly install the 'package.xml' file (colcon-ros currently does it implicitly but that fallback will be removed in the future)
[3.142s] 'ament_cppcheck' doesn't explicitly install a marker in the package index (colcon-ros currently does it implicitly but that fallback will be removed in the future)
[3.142s] 'ament_cppcheck' doesn't explicitly install the 'package.xml' file (colcon-ros currently does it implicitly but that fallback will be removed in the future)
[3.379s] 'osrf_pycommon' doesn't explicitly install a marker in the package index (colcon-ros currently does it implicitly but that fallback will be removed in the future)
[3.379s] 'osrf_pycommon' doesn't explicitly install the 'package.xml' file (colcon-ros currently does it implicitly but that fallback will be removed in the future)
Finished <<< fastcdr [1.50s]                                                        
Starting >>> fastrtps
Finished <<< poco_vendor [1.77s]                                                    
Finished <<< gtest_vendor [1.89s]                                                   
Starting >>> tinyxml_vendor
Starting >>> urdfdom_headers
Finished <<< console_bridge [2.22s]                                                 
Starting >>> gmock_vendor                                                           
Finished <<< urdfdom_headers [0.80s]                                                
Starting >>> orocos_kdl
Finished <<< ament_cppcheck [2.88s]                                                 
Finished <<< ament_flake8 [3.01s]
Finished <<< osrf_pycommon [2.96s]                                                   
Finished <<< ament_package [3.17s]                                                         
Starting >>> ament_cmake_core
Starting >>> ament_pep257
Starting >>> osrf_testing_tools_cpp
Starting >>> ament_pep8                                                                             
Finished <<< tinyxml_vendor [1.28s]
Starting >>> urdfdom                                                                               
[5.953s] 'ament_pep257' doesn't explicitly install a marker in the package index (colcon-ros currently does it ...
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