not getting a map in rviz2 when using slam_toolbox's online async launch with ros2 eloquent on jetson nano and lidar A1

asked 2023-02-14 04:29:09 -0500

kalata gravatar image

updated 2023-02-14 04:32:37 -0500

Hi all ! I am following this tutorial:https: // I have jetson nano with connected rplidar A1

when I run ros2 launch slam_toolbox the only thing that is written on the console is the following:

[INFO] [launch]: All log files can be found below /home/netland/.ros/log/2023-02-14-11-54-48-711252-ubuntu-9693 [INFO] [slam_toolbox-1]: process started with pid [9707]

then, in another terminal I run Rviz2 and rqt_graph. On the graph I can see topics /scan, /map and /tf. this is what I get when I run ros2 topic list:












in rviz2 I have 2 fixed frames available: map and odom. When I add a map from /map topic nothing happens (no matter which fixed frame I am on). when I expand the map status, it is telling me that there is no map received. Then I decided to echo the topics /scan and /map - there is nothing. I tried to publish on the /scan topic using this repo: when I do that and listen to the /scan topic there is information comming from the lidar, but again nothing happens in rviz. The lidar is working when I run the example from the repo alone, but I am not able to do mapping.

It would be of great help if you can also provide me with sources for learning, as most of the tutorials I saw doesn't dive into how the mapping works and which topic should go where.

Thank you !

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