Display problem in Rviz when iceoryx applied

asked 2023-01-27 03:55:45 -0500

bo peng gravatar image

Hi all, I has encountered a problem that necessary information is not displayed well in Rviz due to launch order dependence with iceoryx applied. I try to apply iceoryx to a ros2 application, but the point-cloud map and vehicle model cannot be displayed well in rviz. And, we find out if launch rviz firstly ,the map and model will be show in the rviz normaly. We reproduction the problem use the ros2-urdf-tutorial ( https://github.com/bopeng-saitama/ros...). Reproduction steps:

  1. Run IceOryx client (terminal 1)

    cd ros2-urdf-tutorial


  2. Launch demo (terminal 2)

    cd ros2-urdf-tutorial

    CYCLONEDDS_URI=file://$PWD/cyclonedds.xml ros2 launch urdf_tutorial demo.launch.py

  3. Launch rviz (terminal 3)

    cd ros2-urdf-tutorial

    CYCLONEDDS_URI=file://$PWD/cyclonedds.xml ros2 launch urdf_tutorial rviz.launch.py

Under above execution steps, the robot model cannot be displayed normally on rviz.

Execution result:


If step 3 and 2 in reverse order (start rviz first), the robot model can be displayed normally on rviz.

Execution result:


Does anyone know the cause of the problem?

Thanks in advance, bo peng

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