Using moveit commander to plan a trajectory for UR16 and a custom actuator

asked 2023-01-25 14:06:29 -0500

sophvk gravatar image

Hello everyone. I am currently working on a project where I successfully command a UR16 to certain positions using the moveit commander interface. As a gripper I have a custom tool that has a rotating part that is quite big, it's like a reaction arm, and makes it hard for the robot's end effector to get to some positions. So I want to move the robot and the actuator in a coordinated manner, so this rotatory part leaves space for the end effector to get to the target properly.

In order to do so, I created a moveit package that has two planning groups. One contains the UR16e and its joints, another one for the custom actuator. Then created a third planning group that contains both, and called it 'robot'. To the moveit commander I set the group to robot. It seems to work fine in a way. If it is a joint based position, it will go nicely. But with a pose position (in the world), the planner takes the groups as parallel groups, and sends a trajectory to the UR, and a trajectory to the actuator, so that the actuator lets the robot go through, but always go back to the start position. As it is rotatory, it moves some degrees so the robot can perform its own trajectory, but always go back. That literally means that if the custom actuator is in the beginning in a position where the robot won't be able to go to the target, then there's no solution for the planning problem. It cannot take the actuator away for good as part of the planning problem, and leave it be at some other certain angle. Any ideas on what I might doing wrong?

I am using ROS Noetic.

Hopefully my explanation its clear enough. Any help or advice is appreciated!

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