How can I run gazebo simulation and view with rviz, simultaneously in ROS2
I built a mobile robot using meshes in ROS2 foxy and galactic, I was able to set it up for view in RVIZ2 and for simulation in gazebo classic seperately following some tutorials. The problem I'm facing is that I can't simulate with gazebo and the same time view rviz (as in ros1) as gazebo requires meshes to be included through the geometry tag using "$(find <package name="">)/<mesh folder="">/<mesh file="">" and rviz requires meshes to be included through the geometry tag using "package://<package name="">/<mesh folder="">/<mesh file="">" and one can only seperately switch between simulation and visualization using xacro macro conditional if/unless tag.
How can I run simulation and view with rviz, simultaneously for a robot built with meshes in ROS2