rviz2 unable to create glx context

asked 2022-10-20 04:51:12 -0500

robra gravatar image

After a fresh install of ROS humble using sudo apt install ros-humble-desktop-full and trying to run rviz, I get the error below.

I have Ubuntu 22.04.1 jammy 5.15.0-50-generic on x86_64 machine

$ rviz2
Unable to create glx context
[ERROR] [1666258558.002377189] [rviz2]: Failed to create an OpenGL context. BadValue (integer parameter out of range for operation)
[ERROR] [1666258558.002418448] [rviz2]: RenderingAPIException: Unable to create a suitable GLXContext in GLXContext::GLXContext at ./.obj-x86_64-linux-gnu/ogre-v1.12.1-prefix/src/ogre-v1.12.1/RenderSystems/GLSupport/src/GLX/OgreGLXContext.cpp (line 60)
[ERROR] [1666258558.002451292] [rviz2]: rviz::RenderSystem: error creating render window: RenderingAPIException: Unable to create a suitable GLXContext in GLXContext::GLXContext at ./.obj-x86_64-linux-gnu/ogre-v1.12.1-prefix/src/ogre-v1.12.1/RenderSystems/GLSupport/src/GLX/OgreGLXContext.cpp (line 60)
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Are you inside docker? Or a virtual machine? It seems to be an issue with your display driver.

ravijoshi gravatar image ravijoshi  ( 2022-10-21 02:38:27 -0500 )edit

No it is native

robra gravatar image robra  ( 2022-10-21 04:57:53 -0500 )edit