Issue with latest FastRTPS/FastDDS rmw from 2022-09-29 rolling sync

asked 2022-10-19 17:08:12 -0500

thejeeb gravatar image

updated 2022-12-08 13:14:23 -0500

My ros2 application was working until I updated to the recent 2022-09-29 rolling sync.

I have a reliable publication that is published to a reliable subscriber asynchronously e.g. externally from a button push on a joystick. With the latest sync, the subscriber stops receiving within a couple of minutes. For example, at startup, I can publish several times and the subscriber receives the data. However, within a random amount of time (usually within a minute or two), the subscriber will stop receiving the data. I have verified that when the failure occurs a 'ros2 topic echo' still receives the data. This issue only occurs with the default FastRTPS/FastDDS rmw. If I switch to Cyclone or Connext, I don't see this issue.

I have tried to repro this issue with a simple talker application but have been unable to do so. Is anyone else experiencing this issue? I'm not sure how to debug this but it seems like it is an problem with the default FastRTPS/FastDDS rmw - if someone has any ideas let me know.

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I still see this issue after updating to the latest rolling sync on 2022-11-16. Is there anyone from eProsima that can comment or help regarding this issue? Maybe it is something unique to our system but I don't see this issue with the other RMW vendors.

thejeeb gravatar image thejeeb  ( 2022-11-29 12:41:35 -0500 )edit