matching 2d object to 3d point cloud

asked 2022-10-05 17:10:14 -0500

Delbina gravatar image


How does it possible to match 2d object (output of object detection) to 3d point cloud?? I am working with ros kinetic

I would be grateful if anybody can guide me!


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We need more information about your case and configuration (draw a picture, add your code and methods you've already tried), is it 2D objects in the XY plane and you want to filter 3D cloud points to match it, or is it a 2D projection of 3D objects on the image? Or something completely different?

ljaniec gravatar image ljaniec  ( 2022-10-06 10:20:53 -0500 )edit

dear @ljaniec I have used the find_2d_object package that does object detection, and by using lidar 3d point cloud is provided. now the question is how can I match 3d point cloud onto 2d image?

Delbina gravatar image Delbina  ( 2022-10-06 16:35:05 -0500 )edit