ROS2 Nav2 No Msg from /planner_server/transition_event

asked 2022-09-14 07:01:27 -0500

Ãustin gravatar image

Hello, I've been using Nav2 for a few weeks now and would like to capture when the planner server detects a requested goal outside the global cost map. I thought using the /planner_server/transition_event would give me this information. However, no data ever comes out.

This is also true with the control_server/transition_event, bt_navigator/transition_event, and smoother_server/transition_event.

Does anyone know if a flag of some kind need to be enabled for outputs to occur? I wasn't able to find any information in the Nav2 documentation.

Thanks, Austin

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I'm not sure why you think that transition_event would have information regarding requested goals outside of the map. This is regarding the lifecycle transition of nodes used by rclcpp_lifecycle.

stevemacenski gravatar image stevemacenski  ( 2022-09-14 20:04:41 -0500 )edit