rosnode ping exit code problem

asked 2022-08-31 11:09:24 -0500

dhp gravatar image

hi all,

I wanted to check a ROS node is up and running with rosnode ping. I was expecting that rosnode will return nonzero as exit code when a node was not found or not running. but rosnode always returned 0.

# rosnode ping -c 1 /running_node
rosnode: node is [/running_node]
pinging /running_node with a timeout of 3.0s
xmlrpc reply from http://localhost:43731/       time=1.696587ms
# echo $?
# rosnode ping -c 1 /not_running_node
rosnode: node is [/not_running_node]
cannot ping [/not_running_node]: unknown node
# echo $?

Is this by design? Is there any other tool for this?

Thanks in advance,


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