What is your best recommendation for an autonomous method of robot movement using GPS information?

asked 2022-08-31 01:52:31 -0500

donguri gravatar image


  • Ubuntu 20.04
  • ROS Noetic

Items in possession

  • 3WD Omni-wheel robot (self-made)
  • GPS receiver: ZED-F9P
  • IMU and camera for obstacle avoidance: T265, D455

What I want to achieve

We would like to display a map of 5-10m from the current location on Rviz or mapviz, and move the robot autonomously to the position specified on the map. If there are multiple specified locations, we want the robot to move autonomously in the order specified like waypoint-navigation.

Main subject

I believe there are many methods of autonomous movement of robots using GPS information.The following are the ones I have found.

  1. method using gps-waypoint-based-autonomous-navigation-in-ros
  2. using mapviz. (I can use mapviz to display the current location on the map, but I am not sure if it can do more than that.)

I believe there are other ways besides the above.


  1. What are the current mainstream methods of autonomous movement using GPS information?

  2. What is the best way I can accomplish what I want to do using the items I own?


I have only been learning ROS for 3 weeks so there is a lot I don't know and can't do, please help me.

I will continue to study.

Please let me know if you have any further questions.

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