some const std::strings appear to be corrupted.

asked 2022-08-13 09:19:28 -0500

omer gravatar image

hi, I'm facing a somewhat weird problem, any ideas on how to debug it would be most welcome.

the bottom line : in a class's destructor , some (not all ) std::cout<< const std::string generates corrupted output :

std::string TempMsg;

const std::string dummy = "dummy";

TempMsg = "dummy " + dummy;

std::cout << TempMsg << std::endl;

--works. (for local definition of const string) :-)

TempMsg = " FfrMsgStateOK " + FfrMsgStateOK;


std::cout << TempMsg << std::endl;

-- FfrMsgStateOK is define in somefile.hpp as const std::string FfrMsgStateOK = "OK"; works.


TempMsg = "FfrMsgNodeStateReplayOk" + FfrMsgNodeStateReplayOk ;


std::cout << TempMsg << std::endl;

writes the following garbeld/ corrupted output : FfrMsgNodeStateReplayOk j�tate,Rea` and not the desired "FfrMsgNodeStateReplayOk FfrMsgNodeStateReplayOk".

FfrMsgNodeStateReplayOk is fefined in the same somefile.hpp (as const std::string FfrMsgNodeStateReplayOk = "NodeNewState,Ready";) , its actually the following definition after FfrMsgStateOK

this seems to be ros related, since the same code but without an additional "layer" ( ros listener ) , works without any issues. ( my application has several layers at the lowest level there are several header files with constants and classes to be used by the following layers . the code in question works fine up to the one before last layer.
the last layer is a ros listener...and when executing this executable the corruption occurs ).

it seems to me like some sort of linkage error. i understand that I have not ruled out a runtime memory corruption by the code in the last layer. ( but i dont realy have a clue on how to check/prove this )
( at runtime i basically start the node, read a few parameters , and stop the node, as i've written the messages are printed in one of the layers destructors)

this is occurring on both ubuntu 16 and ubuntu 20. ( and corresponding ros versions ) gcc 8.4.0 tried building both with catkin and without ( same results )

please help :-) Omer.

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