How to use Nav2, slam_toolbox with odom data, gps and imu sensors?

asked 2022-08-05 14:32:08 -0500

dvy gravatar image

Setup details: ROS2 foxy on amd64 architecture CPU with nav2 and slam_toolbox installed

Robot is Clearpath husky with Velodyne VLP-16 lidar, IMU and GPS sensor in gazebo. Can see data on every topic

Long term Objective: Provide gps co-ordinates as goal / way points and autonomously navigate robot to the destination with the help of Nav2 stack by using slam_toolbox

Short term objective: Obtain a stable map (drift free)/ no shaking behavior (if that's possible) using slam_toolbox which updates when obstacles are removed from environment.

Below are the topics. Sometimes /odometry/local is present, sometimes not even though the node is running through launch file. Also, ros2 node list does not show anything which seems weird to me.


My workflow is as below.

1) Spawn the robot in gazebo, all the sensors are outputting data.

2) Run ros2 launch pointcloud_to_laserscan to convert 3D point cloud to 2D laserscan on /scan topic which can be used later on by slam_toolbox

3) Since the odometry information (from topic /odom from wheel encoders) is know to have drift, its good to use EKF to fuse odometry data from other sensors (IMU and GPS). There are 4 scenarios/ combinations described down in the post and this is how I am calling the nodes in the launch file. I just comment ld.add_action(node_ekf_local) if I don't want to run the ekf_filter_node_odom as an example and so on.

    #Used for map to base_link TF
    node_ekf_global = Node(
        remappings=[('odometry/filtered', 'odometry/global'),
                ('/set_pose', '/initialpose')],
        parameters=[config_husky_ekf, {'use_sim_time':True}],

    #Used for odom to base_link TF
    node_ekf_local = Node(
        remappings=[('odometry/filtered', 'odometry/local'),
                ('/set_pose', '/initialpose')],
        parameters=[config_husky_ekf, {'use_sim_time':True}],

    start_navsat_transform_cmd = Node(
        parameters=[config_husky_ekf, {'use_sim_time':True}],
        remappings=[('imu', 'imu/data'),
                    ('gps/fix', 'gps/data'), 
                    ('gps/filtered', 'gps/filtered'),
                    ('odometry/gps', 'odometry/gps'),
                    ('odometry/filtered', 'odometry/global')])

Below is the content of the yaml configuration file provided by config_husky_ekf which contains configuration for three nodes: ekf_filter_node_map (or global), ekf_filter_node_odom (or local), and navsat_transform_node (to convert gps co-ordinates to odometry data)

### ekf config file ### for odom to base_link transform

        use_sim_time: true

# The frequency, in Hz, at which the filter will output a position estimate. Note that the filter will not begin
# computation until it receives at least one message from one of the inputs. It will then run continuously at the
# frequency specified here, regardless of whether it receives more measurements. Defaults to 30 if unspecified.
        frequency: 50.0

# The period, in seconds, after which we consider a sensor to have timed out. In this event, we carry out a predict
# cycle ...
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Hi! I have a similar problem, so if you found any solutions in the end I would love to hear about it. Thanks!

Cferreira gravatar image Cferreira  ( 2023-03-24 04:43:50 -0500 )edit