changing the properties of gazebo lights with gazebo/set-light-properties

asked 2022-07-28 06:50:33 -0500

RobB gravatar image

I want to change the pose of existing lights in my Gazebo world in code, but it is not possible with the gazebo/set-light-properties service (using rospy.ServiceProxy) Only a light's diffuse and attenuation can be altered. Furthermore, pose cannot even be read via gazebo/get-light-properties. Is there any reason for this? Or is it just an oversight? - "Why would anyone want to move the lights around in code?" - Well, I can tell you there can very good reasons, just as you may want to move models around.

In the gazebo-ros plugin, setLightProperties is here:

gazebo_ros_api_plugin.cpp from line 1336.

My C++ is not so good. Any suggestions how I can change this to set the pose of a light and how to recompile it?


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