How to edit plant_sim in pid controller of ros?

asked 2022-07-13 14:10:21 -0500

PRA008 gravatar image

Hello everyone

I'm having trouble using ros pid, which I'm using for the first time. Now I can send external messages (F_to_Set node) as a setpoint to the pid controller (controller node) and I have created another node (Control_Servo node) to receive control_effort. Let's convert the message type before sending it to the robot control node and get the states back to return the controller.

image description

The problem is that from now on, during launch I get a warning message in the terminal saying plant_sim is not yet enabled, which I intentionally turned off initially due to lack of knowledge. As a result, no effort was sent to control_servo. Now when I try to open it back when I run launch it has the effort value (check with rqt_plot) but it creates a new node according to the code below and loops the values ​​in there. Values ​​are not sent to be converted and sent to control the robot at all.

<node name="servo_sim_node" pkg="pid" type="plant_sim" output="screen" >
  <param name="plant_order" value="2" />

How should I edit the plant_sim or should I use another method with this pid to control the robot? (I'm currently controlling the robot using an external device via servo_server)

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