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Ros2 for Unity create custom msg

asked 2022-07-08 06:05:42 -0500

alberto gravatar image

updated 2022-07-11 04:19:11 -0500

Hi all,

I'm trying to add a custom msg to my ROS2 for Unity on Windows. From what I understand, I need to follow this. Everything is fine till I arrive at the point of modifying the custom_messages.repos file in order to get my custom msg from get_repos.ps1.

I don't know how to write this file in fact, it requires some URL and other parameters. But in my case, I don't have an online repo because as said here, I should put my custom msg pkg into src/ros2 sub-folder. Obviously every time I run the build.ps1, I encountered some errors related to my msg.

After building ros2-for-Unity pkg and importing it into the project, I get this error in Unity: error CS1061: 'Teleop' does not contain a definition for 'ang' and no accessible extension method 'ang' accepting a first argument of type 'Teleop' could be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)

Remember that ros2-for-unity is a plugin so I can't do ros2 topic list from it. To see if the topic is active I need to launch the command from the normal ros2_ws, and I can see my msg sent correctly.

This is my custom msg that builds in the normal ws:

std_msgs/Header         header
# current position
geometry_msgs/Vector3[2]      pose        # meters
# current angles 
geometry_msgs/Vector3[2]   ang    # rad

This is my Unity subscriber:

namespace ROS2 {
 public class RCM2Omni : MonoBehaviour
        private ROS2UnityComponent ros2Unity;
        private ROS2Node ros2Node;
        private ISubscription<my_msgs.msg.Teleop> Omni2;
        private float[] transformations = new float[3];
        bool moving = false;

        void Start()
            ros2Unity = GetComponent<ROS2UnityComponent>();

        void Update()
            if (ros2Node == null && ros2Unity.Ok())
                ros2Node = ros2Unity.CreateNode("RCM2Omni");

                Omni2 = ros2Node.CreateSubscription<my_msgs.msg.Teleop>(
                  "/Teleop", msg => { parse(msg); });

            if (moving)
                transform.Rotate(transformations[0], 0, 0);
                moving = false;

        public void parse(my_msgs.msg.Teleop msg)
            transformations[0] = (float)msg.ang[1].x;
            moving = true;

Has anyone already had this problem?

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Is the line with transformations[0] = (float)msg.ang[1].x; in the parse(my_msgs.msg.Teleop msg) correct? In the examples I can see

chatter_sub = ros2Node.CreateSubscription<std_msgs.msg.String>("chatter", msg => Debug.Log("Unity listener heard: [" + msg.Data + "]"));

so maybe try msg.Data.ang[1] or similar?

ljaniec gravatar image ljaniec  ( 2022-07-11 07:48:03 -0500 )edit

Even with msg.Data I receive: 'Teleop' does not contain a definition for 'Data' .. Instead, with only msg, I get the result in the console, but it's only the msg object, and I don't know if it has the elements or how to access it.

alberto gravatar image alberto  ( 2022-07-11 08:30:51 -0500 )edit

I think you can check it from ground up - I would start with this example:, check if it works with std_msgs.msg.String, then add your custom message and check with this simplest possible ROS 2 Listener if your message is heard correctly. I don't see e.g. Ros2cs.Init(); in your code, that is there in the example listener code.

ljaniec gravatar image ljaniec  ( 2022-07-11 08:47:01 -0500 )edit

2 Answers

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answered 2022-07-11 09:59:34 -0500

alberto gravatar image

updated 2022-07-21 04:19:03 -0500

I found the solution, in this answer I will resume all the steps I followed in one place. First, to build your Ros2-for-Unity plugin follow this.

  1. clone the repo
  2. do .\pull_repositories.ps1, this will create the ros2cs folder
  3. open the ros2cs folder, and create the custom_messages folder in it. This is not mandatory, it should work if you put it in ros2cs/ros2, but I didn't test it.
  4. add my custom_msg_pkg in that folder exactly as it is in the ros2ws
  5. do ./build.ps1 -standalone
  6. do create_unity_package.ps1
  7. Now in Unity, do Assets->Import package->Custom package and select your newly created UnityPackage. Import all.
  8. Write publisher and subscriber, I followed this.

And then final but a most important reminder, if you'll ever face this error in Unity: error CS1061: your_msg does not contain a definition for your_field and no accessible extension method your_field accepting a first argument of type your_msg could be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)


For example: to access in C++ you do, but in C# (or Unity, I don't know which one complains) you must do msg.Data (capital D !), or you will have error CS1061. The same goes for your custom_msg fields! I want to highlight this because it made me cry for 2 days and it's a very silly error.

Also thanks to @ljaniec for the help!

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answered 2022-07-10 10:32:40 -0500

ljaniec gravatar image

Does your custom_msg_pkg build correctly in normal ros2_ws?

By the error CS0246 it seems that maybe you didn't add the dependency on the geometry_msgs package.

Could you add your message in the edit of your question? Do you have the correct prefix in the message fields too, e.g. geometry_msgs/Pose point?

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Yes, I can build my msg correctly in a normal ros2_ws.

I managed to build the ros2-for-Unity pkg with my custom msg inside. In order to do that, this is what I did following this link:

  1. clone the repo
  2. do .\pull_repositories.ps1
  3. open the ros2cs\ros2 folder, and create the custom_messages folder in it
  4. add my custom_msg_pkg in that folder, exactly as it is in the ros2_ws
  5. do ./build.ps1 -standalone

The entire build takes around 40 minutes to complete with some warning (the python popup at the end is yellow and not green). After that, I can create the Unity asset and import it into the project.

Now I have an error in Unity: in my .cs script where I define the subscriber, I can't access the elements of the msg. It says that my custom_msg doesn't have any "my_field" field. My guess is that the build ...(more)

alberto gravatar image alberto  ( 2022-07-10 11:53:57 -0500 )edit

Can you put the code snippet with your subscriber? Maybe there is a problem with accessing the message elements? Can you see your custom messages with ros2 interface show in the normal ros2_ws?

ljaniec gravatar image ljaniec  ( 2022-07-10 12:53:12 -0500 )edit

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Asked: 2022-07-08 06:05:42 -0500

Seen: 241 times

Last updated: Jul 21 '22