Confusion about catkin build and devel folder creation
I have some confusion on the creation of these various packages from the link below. The instructions say I should catkin build
. but catkin build
doesn't make a devel
folder. If I can catkin_make
in the same works space then it just breaks stuff (to my understanding). I'm not sure what to do, because I need to source ../devel/setup.bash
but can't do so with no devel directory.Link to github and instructions
This doesn't have enough information to be answerable, though you are right that
catkin build
should create the devel directory.It might help us if you show us 1) Any error messages from
catkin build
:cd ~/catkin_ws; source /opt/ros/melodic/setup.bash; catkin build
2) the contents of your catkin workspace:cd ~/catkin_ws; tree -L 2