How to define /ros location?

asked 2022-06-10 15:53:58 -0500

I ran into an issue with ros.h not being able to be found. I adding the path before it in what was calling it (changed "ros/ros.h" to "/opt/ros/kinetic/include/ros/ros.h") and it worked.

However theres a giant nest of things looking for files in the ros/ folder.

Where can I input /ros to be located in (home)/opt/ros/kinetic/include.

Basically I'm looking for the environmental variables but I'm on ubuntu not windows, and I don't know how to do anything.


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I ran into an issue with ros.h not being able to be found

What was trying to find it? This sounds like a vscode issue. Am I right?

Joe28965 gravatar image Joe28965  ( 2022-06-13 08:34:58 -0500 )edit