use_magnetic_field_msg does not work

asked 2022-04-26 22:40:59 -0500

DGTYX gravatar image

Hello! I'm doing some experiments with jackal, and I want to fuse /imu/ data_raw and /imu/mag to get the absolute orientation of the vehicle. But since the message type given by Jackal for /imu/mag is geometry_MSgs /Vector3Stamped, I set use_magnetic_field_msg to false, But the "Client [/imu_filter] wants topic/imu/mag to have datatype/md5sum [sensor_msgs/MagneticField/2f3b0b43eed0c9501de0fa3ff89a45aa], but our version has [geometry_msgs/Vector3Stamped/7b324c7325e683bf02a9b14b01090ec7]" is still prompted. Can someone give me some help? thank you!

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So is there any way to change the type of the/imu/mag messages published by Jackal to sensor_msgs /MagneticField? Or is there another package for geometry_msgs/Vector3Stamped message types? In addition, the three components of my jackal/imu/mag are all 0 indoors, and they are all 10-5 or 10-6 in the outdoor. I guess there seems to be some problems with the magnetometer reading. Could someone give me some help? thank you

DGTYX gravatar image DGTYX  ( 2022-04-27 20:00:33 -0500 )edit