Twist cmd_vel for wheelchair robot
Hello, I have a wheelchair robot I am trying to hook up to cmd_vel
I have teleop working, but I am having trouble mapping the linear and rotational vectors into the format my robot is expecting
The whelchair driver can be provided the following instructions:
- fore/aft: 1.3v = backwards, 3.3v = forwards (and everything in between)
- left/right: 1.3v = left, 3.3v = right (and everything in between)
Previously I have written a trig function so I can provide an angle of movement in degrees, e.g. move(90) will turn right, move(45) will travel forwards veering right 45 degrees
I want to integrate SLAM libraries into the robot, are these likely to only use the "tank controls" teleop uses (e.g. 8 directions) or could is there a more general solution to map cmd_vel to 360 degrees of motion?
Apologies for the rambling
I am not sure if I got it what you want to say,
If you want to map angular velocity of the wheel to the linear and angular velocity of the whole body, You can use