"Couldn't find an AF_INET address for "

asked 2022-03-12 00:15:20 -0500

Hi I have a laptop running ubunto, a turtlebot3 and a ros robot that I am making myself (Mybot-1)

With the turtlebot the laptop is set up as the remote PC and I start roscore on the PC and then all the launch files on the turtlebot. Then I run all the memory hungry programs on the laptop

I would like to have the similar setup for the other robot (mybot-1) except I would like to run roscore and the main launch files on the mybot and then rvis on the laptop. I want this in case of network issues so the bot can continue event id the network is weak.

So far I can not fund a way to do this. I usually end up with a problem on rviz stating"Couldn't find an AF_INET address for "

There are posts on this subject and I have followed their advice and still I can not do what I want to do.

I have played with the ~/.bashrc files trying different combos of master and local host.

Ultimately if I have to run roscore on the laptop then that is OK as well however I do want rviz on the PC as that definitely slows down my raspberry pi 3.


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