Cannot recognise USB device on remote system

asked 2022-03-10 02:50:15 -0500

yxtay gravatar image

Hi all, I am currently facing issues establishing connection to a USB device with a remote connection via SSH. I am running ROS melodic with 2 systems communicating with each other, with a single master. Both systems use ubuntu 18.04. The tutorial I used to run multiple machines is

I managed to get my program to work as expected, which is to lift a platform from a local device to the remote device, but I want to automate this process with a script. As such, I created a shell script that can run the necessary commands. The contents of my shell script is:

ssh user@address ls /dev
roslaunch peripheral_camera_lift camera_lift.launch

The reason I included the ls /dev is to highlight the issue. On executing the roslaunch camera_lift.launch, the program goes into error saying there is no such device file-ttyUSB0. Earlier before using the script, everything worked fine, and doing a ls /dev on the remote machine there is a device file-ttyUSB0. This meant that when I executed the script, the usb device is not recognised as a device in /dev.

The only difference in both cases here are the execution method, one using a shell script, and the other by manual means. I do not understand why this occurs and will like some assistance on how to get the script to execute properly.


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