Jumps in joints in plan in joint-space

asked 2022-03-03 04:48:56 -0500

Muratbek gravatar image

Hello, everyone, I am having a problem with my trajectory with 6 DOF robot in ROS. I am trying to plan from current state to pose target using path constraints. You can see attached video.

I am using PRMstar planner with parametrs: PRMstar: type: geometric::PRMstar range: 0.001 optimization_objective: PathLengthOptimizationObjective

AND projection_evaluator: joints(b_joint1,b_joint2,b_joint3,b_joint4,b_joint5,b_joint6) longest_valid_segment_fraction: 0.0001

I have tried Different types of Kinematics plugin, starting from KDL to TracIk

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Muratbek gravatar image Muratbek  ( 2022-03-03 04:50:27 -0500 )edit