Setting loglevel for tf2 and/or console_bridge

asked 2022-02-23 16:03:58 -0500

Chuck Claunch gravatar image

We use tf2 and tf2_ros pretty extensively and would like to suppress or change the log levels for tf2 related things. I see in the code that tf2 uses console_bridge with preset levels. Of course we could build from source but it would be so nice if the user could set this log level. If I instantiate a tf2_ros::Buffer then use it to look up transforms or whatever, I am using the built in tooling to determine if that was successful or not, I don't need the warn spam that tf2 outputs in addition to that and would appreciate a method to turn it off. Is this already possible and I'm just missing how to do it? We're using foxy.

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I'm looking for the solution too. The warning msg is so annoying.

DC pig gravatar image DC pig  ( 2022-04-24 21:54:22 -0500 )edit