IMU bias estimate

asked 2022-02-22 19:39:20 -0500

dembele123 gravatar image

updated 2022-02-22 19:40:12 -0500

Hi, do you know maybe some source (github code/article or similar) from which I can find how to get bias estimate (or any other velocity/acceleration/pose) for acceleration and angular velocity with Kalman filter. My IMU message does not contain orientation quaternion, I have linear acceleration, angular velocity and magnetic field components. Thank you in advance!

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To get a pose estimate that is the most likely you would need to have another sensor that estimates pose like odometry to use sensor fusion (Kalman filter) a package for sensor fusion I would recommend is the robot_pose_ekf package here the link for the wiki link for github:

bribri123 gravatar image bribri123  ( 2022-02-22 21:15:58 -0500 )edit