RViz not displaying scan data when used in conjunction with odom

asked 2022-02-01 11:45:36 -0500

akhred gravatar image

I have been following the ROS navigation tutorials to setup a navigation stack. I have a RPLIDAR A1 laser scanner available with me. I tried running the ROS module for RPLIDAR (ROS node) and I could visualize the data in RViz.

Then, I created an URDF file for a bot with base_footprint, base_link and laser_links. I followed this tutorial (ODOM simulation code) to simulate straight line odometry. The odometry worked fine and I could visualize the motion in RViz.

Finally, I tried to add the RPLIDAR node to the stack and visualize the data in RViz. When I do this, I don't see the laser data on the screen. When I checked the nodes and topics, everything seems to be running as it should. My tf tree also looks good and connected.

Could someone please help me out with this? I will be happy to provide any additional information needed.

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