Is there a way for ROS developers to use MoveIt Motion Planning and generate the code of the plan?

asked 2022-01-20 20:48:37 -0500

HynRidge gravatar image

I am new to ROS and my goal is to recreate a simple pick and place simulation with ROS, without using any instant packages from github. For the past few weeks , I have been learning about MoveIt and one of it's feature Motion Planning. I was wondering whether there is a way for me to planned the simulation (using Motion Planning) and generate the code. Or perhaps, are there particular tools that allow me to do that in ROS? Is it common that we need to code out everything about the simulation (except the initial setup as we can use MoveIt Setup Assistant) ?

Please do ask a clarification if my question was not clear enough. Thanks

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Could you elaborate what you mean by "generate the code"?

The MoveGroupInterface API offers a method plan() (link) which computes a plan for you.

abhishek47 gravatar image abhishek47  ( 2022-01-22 02:44:56 -0500 )edit

@abhishek47 "generate code" meaning from the rviz visualization of the plan, we were able to get the code as well

HynRidge gravatar image HynRidge  ( 2022-01-22 02:49:16 -0500 )edit

we were able to get the code as well

Could you include in your question what "code" it is that you're referring to?

abhishek47 gravatar image abhishek47  ( 2022-01-22 03:00:26 -0500 )edit

@abhishek47 the code of the plans... without having to use the API..

HynRidge gravatar image HynRidge  ( 2022-01-22 06:03:34 -0500 )edit

are there particular tools that allow me to do that in ROS? Is it common that we need to code out everything about the simulation

It's a little confusing what you're seeking. You're looking for a "tool" (which is why I pointed out plan()), but then you don't want to use the tool. In that case feel free to dive into the source code. You'll have to track down the action-server.

from the rviz visualization of the plan, we were able to get the code as well

Still unsure what this means.

Maybe someone else who understands your question can help out.

abhishek47 gravatar image abhishek47  ( 2022-01-22 06:57:35 -0500 )edit

@abhishek47 I am sorry to confuse you. So, I realize that moveit setup assistant are capable of generating the initial setup of the robot that you want to use, and generate the necessary xacro, urdf, and other types of files. I was just wondering whether there is something similar for motion planning.

HynRidge gravatar image HynRidge  ( 2022-01-22 07:57:45 -0500 )edit