What is the correct way to set args in rosparam?
I'm trying to launch the Multimaster node requiring parameter lists. Inside the list, I need to use an arg that would be used in other nodes in the same launch file. This is what I'd like in effect (it does not work):
<arg name="robotname" default="robot1" />
<node pkg="multimaster" type="master_sync.py" name="master_sync" output="screen" respawn="true">
<param name="foreign_master" value="http://localhost:11311" />
local_pubs: [$(arg robotname)/status, /some_other_topics]
What should be the correct way to get $(arg robotname) into the parameter list?
Pull request with a preliminary implementation of this feature here: https://github.com/ros/ros_comm/pull/203
Have you found a workaround for this issue?
Nope, I've been busy with other things. My original implementation was pushed back to me by the ros-core team, but the followup ticket is still open: ( https://www.bountysource.com/issues/742041-add-substitution-args-parsing-to-roslaunch-yaml )